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Book Signing: An Anthology Of Writings From The Pandemic

February 4, 2023
1:00 pm
3:00 pm

Book Signing: An Anthology Of Writings From The Pandemic

The Ivy and Bird in Hand are pleased to present a book signing in celebration of an anthology featuring several Baltimore writers: Good News, Bad News, Who Can Tell? : The Pandemic Reveals Wisdom. Editor Don Worth will be joined by contributors Jessie Meisling and Kenny Langston for the signing and meet-and-greet.

This event will take place in person, at Bird in Hand Cafe and Bookstore, 11 E. 33rd St.

The new anthology offers stories, lyrics, and poems written by people who represent nine categories of those on the frontlines of the pandemic (educators, COVID-19 survivors, artists, clergy, those who lost loved ones, students, physicians, restauranteurs and journalists) from the U.S. and India, regarding experiences, lessons and wisdom they acquired. Their experiences are expressed through the theme of a Buddhist parable where a farmer greets good or bad news with the same retort: “Good news, bad news, who can tell?”

During over 35 years as a psychologist and psychotherapist in central West Virginia, Dr. Don Worth has been on the frontlines helping families during the ADHD wave, the opioid crisis, and now the pandemic. He developed an in-school mindfulness meditation program for ADHD, wrote a self-help recovery guide, and now has edited an anthology documenting the human experience of the pandemic. He and his wife, Neelam, are owners of the Family and Marital Counseling Center, with offices in Weston and Clarksburg.

Bird in Hand Coffee & Books


11 E. 33rd St, Baltimore, MD 21218
Baltimore, 21218