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August 18, 2023
6:00 pm

Beyond The Black & White: The Path You Take Is Not Your Own

Art, Visuals, and Vybes. A night with visual odes to the 90’s iconic film Belly. Sip on crafted cocktails inspired by the movie while looking at local art curated for your pleasure all the while grooving to the iconic soundtrack and 90’s vibes.

Are you art curious? Come for the pre-game, join us at 6:30 p.m. for the artist talk, and stay for the vybes.
We’re bringing the magic to you. Our opening reception is at Refocused, an introductory space for the local community as the premier spot to get refocused through art, community and music.

August 2023 Group Exhibition Description
Beyond The Black & White: The Path You Take Is Not Your Own

Inspired by the bugged-out visual style that was innovative as hell for 1998, Belly is a collision of forces. We invite artists to contemplate colliding realities of light and dark, fire and ice, good and evil, life and death, freedom and imprisonment. What do you choose to bring to your people? Is this choice yours or was it already made for you?
Belly’s striking visual features focus on heavy contrast, glossy chromatic hues, and daring camera angles. Artists should consider what or who will win out during their millennium and incorporate this throughout their works. We invite artists to explore and really push the boundaries of their use of color, space, light, and subject matter.
Refocused Space is thrilled to showcase Beyond The Black & White: The Path You Take is Not Your Own. This exhibition brings the community together through the shared love and connection (and maybe even beef) for this hood classic. Step inside the space, we’re bringing more than a few moments from the movie to life.

Refocused Space

$15 Advance, $20 Onsite

429 N Eutaw St #1N
Baltimore, 21201