September 22, 2024
3:30 pm
–5:00 pm
Choral Evensong & Organ Recital
Join The Emmanuel Choir for a traditional service of Choral Evensong. An organ recital, performed by Christian Lane, precedes the service
The Emmanuel Choir
Christian Lane, director & organ recitalist
Karl Robson, organist
The Emmanuel Choir sings a traditional service of Choral Evensong, featuring C.H.H. Parry’s monumental Hear my words, ye people and Herbert Howells’ famous St. Paul’s setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. Concert organist Karl Robson accompanies the choir during the 4:00 p.m. liturgy; the service is preceded at 3:30 p.m. by an organ recital featuring music of Frank Bridge and Percy Whitlock, performed by Director of Music Christian Lane.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
811 Cathedral St