Hadassah Greater Baltimore: Cell-A-Brate Diamonds and Denim
Hadassah Greater Baltimore
Cell-A-Brate Presents: Diamonds & Denim
Hadassah Greater Baltimore invites you to join our 2023 Cell A Brate gala event to raise money for stem cell research and celebrating Israel’s 75th anniversary.
We are proud to be honoring National Vice President, Jill Sapperstein, for her many years of service and contribution to Hadassah.
Date: May 21, 2023
Time: 5 PM starting the celebration with the cocktail hour along with heavy hors d’oeuvres catered by The Knish Shop.
Location: Baltimore Hebrew Congregation; 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland
Ticket cost per person: $75.00
Sponsorship opportunities available. Each level of our sponsorship includes tickets to this spectacular event, our way of thanking you for your generous contribution.
Entertainment: Jackie Tohn, Comedian/Singer
And A Silent Auction
Dress: In the spirit of the night, attire is dressy casual
Register today!