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July 14, 2024
6:00 pm
12:00 am

HELION PRIME & AFTER TIME w/ Empress and Cowabunga Pizza Time! @ Metro Baltimore

Savage Party & Feed The Scene Present

with guests Empress and Cowabunga Pizza Time!

Sunday July 14, 2024
Doors at 6 PM, Show at 7 PM
All Ages

Fast becoming home base for an elite squadron of U.S. heavy metal troops, Divebomb Records is proud to enlist science-centric Sacramento, CA power metallers HELION PRIME to a growing roster that already includes such acts as Wülfhook, Zephaniah, Everthrone, Final Sign and Judicator.

First conceived through a common love of heavy metal and science, HELION PRIME was born in 2014 when Dire Peril guitarist Jason Ashcraft joined forces with Graveshadow vocalist Heather Michele to forge a new project—between the two, résumés boasted work alongside such greats as Andy LaRocque (King Diamond, Death, etc.), Mark Briody (Jag Panzer), Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear, Gamma Ray, etc.), Niklas Isfeldt (Dream Evil) and Brittney Slayes (Unleash the Archers). The name HELION PRIME was borrowed from an alien planet featured in the 2004 film The Chronicles of Riddick. The concept? Power metal thematically based on actual scientific theories—with the occasional sci-fi tribute thrown in for good measure.

Metro Baltimore


1700 North Charles Street
Baltimore, 21201