April 8, 2022
6:00 pm
–8:00 pm
Opening Event: Asia North 2022
Friday, April 8. 6pm
Stillpointe Theatre and Motor House
Explore the Remembrance, Resilience, Power + Pride exhibit and meet the artists. Contribute to the Growing Our Gardens altar. Enjoy performances by Didimsae Dance, Gyuneun Kim, Mega Drum, Yong Han Lion Dance Troupe, and EN’B, and savor refreshments from local Asian eateries.
COVID-19 Safety Protocol:
Stillpointe Theatre-Masks and proof of triple vaccination required.
Motor House is operating at 50% capacity with a building-wide mask mandate. Staff, clients, and guests must wear a mask at all times within the building unless actively eating/drinking. Please do your best to distance yourself from others while eating/drinking.
Motor House
120 North Ave