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May 13, 2023
1:00 pm
3:00 pm

Porch Signing With Mary Ann Cherry, For Her Biography Of Morris Kight

The Ivy presents a signing and meet-and-greet on our spacious front porch, featuring Mary Ann Cherry, author of the biography of gay liberation activist Morris Kight! Come discuss with Mary Ann the process of telling the story of this complex figure, and enjoy music from local musician Gabrielle Zwi.

Mary Ann Cherry (she/her) has been based in Los Angeles for 45 years, is a writer with a diverse background in network and syndicated television and independent documentary films. Cherry has worked with non-profit organizations, most recently creating the historical archive for AIDS Healthcare Foundation. She befriended and worked with Morris Kight during the last decade of his life which led to Kight giving his blessing for Cherry to write his biography. They shared a friendship and a passion for social justice and activism. She enjoys a second career as an in-demand specialized yoga therapist.

Gabrielle Zwi is a community organizer, educator, and musician based in Rockville, Maryland. Gabrielle advises a local youth organization called DC Teens Action, and serves as a Commissioner on the Human Rights Commission of the City of Rockville, and as a Public Representative on Montgomery County’s Committee Against Hate/Violence. As a singer-songwriter, they have released an album and several singles, and regularly perform in concerts, protests, and other events throughout the region. Gabrielle is a Jewish Brazilian-American and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and they have Autism Spectrum Disorder along with other disabilities that have played an integral role in their creative, advocacy and nonprofit work. ⁠

The Ivy Bookshop, Front Porch


5928 Falls Road, Baltimore, MD 21209
Baltimore, 21218