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June 8, 2025
8:00 am
10:00 am

Run Up To Juneteenth 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk

SEED School of Maryland’s 4th Annual Run Up To Juneteenth Kicks Off
Baltimore’s Juneteenth Celebration and Countdown to AFRAM

BALTIMORE – (February, 2025) The SEED School of Maryland, (SEED MD) the State’s first and only public, college-preparatory boarding school for high need and high potential students, will present the fourth annual Run-Up-To Juneteenth 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk on Sunday, June 8 beginning at 8 am at The Baltimore Peninsula (101 W. Cromwell Street, Baltimore, MD 21230).

The event has been declared by Baltimore City leadership as “the kickoff to Baltimore’s AFRAM celebration” and is being chaired by Baltimore City Councilman John Bullock, Councilwoman Phylicia Porter, and Councilman Zachary Blanchard.

Created to celebrate and connect runners and community members with SEED students and their families, the event raises awareness and funds for SEED MD’s distinctive College Transition & Success Program, which supports students as they navigate academic and socio-economic barriers from high school through college completion.

The event route features an out and back course including West Covington Park, the Hanover Street Bridge and Middle Branch Park. Music, giveaways and an awards ceremony will also take place following the Run at the Celebration Village. More than 500 participants, including SEED students, are expected to join.

“The SEED School of Maryland is thrilled to kick off AFRAM celebration events in Baltimore with the Run-Up-To Juneteenth 5k Run and 1Mile Walk and to partner with AFRAM” said Kirk Sykes, SEED Head of School. “We are grateful to be a part of the celebration and to playing a role in creating opportunities to share Black cultural, physical, and intellectual excellence.”
Event registration is $39 and is available online here: For more information about SEED School Maryland visit:

The SEED School of Maryland (SEED MD) is Maryland’s only public, college-preparatory boarding school, offering an extraordinary educational and living experience in preparation for college and beyond. The tuition free School equips high need, highly motivated students with academic, critical thinking, and social skills. Seed MD is located in Southwest Baltimore and serves students who could most benefit from a 24-hour learning environment. SEED Maryland opened in 2008 and graduated its first class in 2015. It currently serves 400 students in grades 6 through 12.

CONTACT: Carmel Gambacorta, C-360 Agency 443-386-5473

Hanover Street Bridge

$39 for registration

1916 S Hanover St
Baltimore, 21230