Super Science Sleepover: Academy of Wizardry
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Be sure to pack your wand and pop on your wizarding robeyou’re in for a magical night, sleeping over at Maryland Science Center’s Academy of Wizardry. Stroll through Diagon Alley where you will identify wand cores, practice quidditch, and create your own pygmy puff to adopt. Brew up potions in the SciLab. Design your own house crest to be displayed on your robes, and take some time to explore your favorite Science Center exhibits at nighttime!
Super Science Sleepovers are packed with hands-on learning paired with an unforgettable overnight at the science center. This event is perfect for families, friends, parties and special occasions. Each sleepover has a theme with multiple activity stations, a special planetarium show, an IMAX documentary, and access to exhibits for exclusive nighttime exploration. Then, when it’s ready for lights outsay goodnight to the dinosaurs and sleep in the exhibit halls.