Medieval Times is an exciting, family-friendly dinner attraction inspired by an 11th century feast and tournament. Guests are served a four-course banquet and cheer for one of six knights competing in the joust and other tests of skill.
Admissions And More Information
Medieval Times’s noble guests feast on garlic bread, tomato bisque soup, roasted chicken, sweet buttered corn, herb-basted potatoes, dessert of the Castle, coffee and two rounds of select non-alcoholic beverages. A full-service bar is also available for adult guests. Vegetarian meals are available upon request.
What It's Like
While you enjoy a hearty four-course banquet medieval style, six brave knights compete in games of skill astride magnificent Andalusian stallions. Lances splinter against shields of steel, broad swords spark and a champion emerges to the cheers of the enthusiastic crowd. The spectacle unfolds nightly inside a fully enclosed, climate controlled European-style castle.

Don't Miss
Ask a reservationist about seating upgrades and packages to enhance your experience.
- Air Conditioned
- Hosts Crab Feast
- Exclusive Caterer
Arts, Theater & Culture
- Family Friendly
- Group Activities
- Guided Tours Available
- Gift Shop
- Theaters & Performing Arts
- ADA Compliant
- Accessible Bathrooms
- Level or Ramp Entrance Into Building
- Bus Parking