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April 24, 2024
8:00 pm


Doors at 7 PM / Show at 8 PM
All Ages

Engaging, edgy, erratic, irreverent, wild, vibrant, fun… there’s certainly no shortage of adjectives to describe AVOID and their quest to fuel that feeling of being a part of something.

Evoking a nostalgia for the kind of music that seeps into your soul, Seattle five-piece AVOID channels the musical legacy synonymous with their hometown while blissfully genre hopping to create something entirely new. Good times with a message of inclusivity, with a drive to bring passion, innovation and provocation back to heavy music and pull in the community around it, AVOID crackle with the energy of a young act ready to take the world by storm.

With new tracks “COWABUNGA” and “Split (Kill It)” setting the tone for a new era for the band, AVOID are ready to spread their brand of infectious hedonism that injects some magic into the mundane. Bringing twists on the art, and the media and methods of the 90s/00s into the modern day, this is the something new that we have all been craving.

This is the start of something important, something defining – and AVOID are bringing everyone along for the ride. Hold on tight, it’s about to get weird.

Metro Baltimore


1700 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201
Baltimore, 21201